Promoting environmental protection in Saint Helene Island. Under the project “Keep Helene Clean”, we donated garbage recycling structures to support the control of the garbage at the island.
The structures contain divisions for the recycling of aluminum, plastic and solid waste, these first facilities will be located in the community of SICO and Mangrove Bight, later on the project will be expanded in the various communities of the island of St. Helene.
The donation was received by Vice Mayor and representatives of the community board of Helene and leaders of SICO community, who will provide the follow-up with the proper management of the wastes that affect the marine ecosystem of the island, a community with more than 800 inhabitants.
As part of the project in its first stage, informative and educational meetings were provided to the community and schools in collaboration with the Bay Islands Ecological Conservation Association (BICA) BICA and Roatan Marine Park.